Chilly Challenge Fundraiser 2024 - $2,100 raised!! 300+ km in January and 2 minutes in the ocean!
Wayward Wizard Media
Chilly Challenge Fundraiser 2024 - $2,100 raised!! 300+ km in January and 2 minutes in the ocean!
Day 365: ONE YEAR SOBER FROM THC - Checking in after a whole year of sobriety #addiction #quitweed
Wayward Wizard Media
Day 365: ONE YEAR SOBER FROM THC - Checking in after a whole year of sobriety #addiction #quitweed
Training for 200 Miles: Episode 11 (Night of Adventure Practice) - My Journey to the Finish Line
Wayward Wizard Media
Training for 200 Miles: Episode 11 (Night of Adventure Practice) - My Journey to the Finish Line
Nicholas Richards  #TheDivide200 Finish #200miles #addictionrecovery #anxietyrelief #shorts
Wayward Wizard Media
Nicholas Richards #TheDivide200 Finish #200miles #addictionrecovery #anxietyrelief #shorts
Training for 200 Miles: Episode 10 (Final Weeks & RACE TIME) - It All Comes Down to This!
Wayward Wizard Media
Training for 200 Miles: Episode 10 (Final Weeks & RACE TIME) - It All Comes Down to This!
Training for 200 Miles: Episode 9 (Week 13, 14, 15, 16 & 17) - Hills, Hiking, Mental Game, Love Fuel
Wayward Wizard Media
Training for 200 Miles: Episode 9 (Week 13, 14, 15, 16 & 17) - Hills, Hiking, Mental Game, Love Fuel
Week 10, 11 & 12 Summary - Addiction Recovery; Emotional Trauma; Self-Love & Happiness - EPISODE 8
Wayward Wizard Media
Week 10, 11 & 12 Summary - Addiction Recovery; Emotional Trauma; Self-Love & Happiness - EPISODE 8
Week 7, 8 & 9 Summary - Mental Training; Ego & Social Media; Healing Inner Child - EPISODE 7
Wayward Wizard Media
Week 7, 8 & 9 Summary - Mental Training; Ego & Social Media; Healing Inner Child - EPISODE 7
Week 5 & 6 Summary - Tale of 2 Dragons, Shared Experiences, and Marathon Personal Best #divide200
Wayward Wizard Media
Week 5 & 6 Summary - Tale of 2 Dragons, Shared Experiences, and Marathon Personal Best #divide200
Week 4 Summary - The Physical Aspect of Ultramarathons (and life) is Only the Beginning #divide200
Wayward Wizard Media
Week 4 Summary - The Physical Aspect of Ultramarathons (and life) is Only the Beginning #divide200
Week 3 Summary - A Journey to 200 Miles: The Wayward Wizard EPISODE 4 #divide200
Wayward Wizard Media
Week 3 Summary - A Journey to 200 Miles: The Wayward Wizard EPISODE 4 #divide200
Week 2 Summary - A Journey to 200 Miles: The Wayward Wizard EPISODE 3 #divide200
Wayward Wizard Media
Week 2 Summary - A Journey to 200 Miles: The Wayward Wizard EPISODE 3 #divide200
Week 1 - A Journey to 200 Miles: The Wayward Wizard EPISODE 2 #divide200
Wayward Wizard Media
Week 1 - A Journey to 200 Miles: The Wayward Wizard EPISODE 2 #divide200
A Journey to 200 Miles: The Wayward Wizard EPISODE 1 #divide200
Wayward Wizard Media
A Journey to 200 Miles: The Wayward Wizard EPISODE 1 #divide200
Eye Opening MC Incident; Scariest Lapse in Focus Ever; Revelations - SEEDS OF SPRING Episode 21
Wayward Wizard Media
Eye Opening MC Incident; Scariest Lapse in Focus Ever; Revelations - SEEDS OF SPRING Episode 21
The Chosen One Rises to See the Prophecy Fulfilled; Wayward Wizard 🧙‍♂️ - SEEDS OF SPRING Episode 20
Wayward Wizard Media
The Chosen One Rises to See the Prophecy Fulfilled; Wayward Wizard 🧙‍♂️ - SEEDS OF SPRING Episode 20
A Day of Validation; Self Love is Doing the HARD Things; Wayward Path - SEEDS OF SPRING Episode 19
Wayward Wizard Media
A Day of Validation; Self Love is Doing the HARD Things; Wayward Path - SEEDS OF SPRING Episode 19
Ultimate Human Experience; Emotion, Growth & Healing; 100-Mile Lessons - SEEDS OF SPRING Episode 18
Wayward Wizard Media
Ultimate Human Experience; Emotion, Growth & Healing; 100-Mile Lessons - SEEDS OF SPRING Episode 18
Root Work; The Only Positive of My Childhood; Anxious Attachment - SEEDS OF SPRING Episode 17
Wayward Wizard Media
Root Work; The Only Positive of My Childhood; Anxious Attachment - SEEDS OF SPRING Episode 17
Appreciating the Journey; Feeling Strong; Identifying the Trials - SEEDS OF SPRING Episode 16
Wayward Wizard Media
Appreciating the Journey; Feeling Strong; Identifying the Trials - SEEDS OF SPRING Episode 16
New Chapter; Old Triggers; Final Test; The Marathon Continues - SEEDS OF SPRING Episode 15
Wayward Wizard Media
New Chapter; Old Triggers; Final Test; The Marathon Continues - SEEDS OF SPRING Episode 15
The Wayward Path; Prioritizing Patience, Presence, and Persistence - SEEDS OF SPRING Episode 14
Wayward Wizard Media
The Wayward Path; Prioritizing Patience, Presence, and Persistence - SEEDS OF SPRING Episode 14
New Chapter Begins, Moved into New Apartment, Finally Slept 8 Hrs! - SEEDS OF SPRING Episode 13
Wayward Wizard Media
New Chapter Begins, Moved into New Apartment, Finally Slept 8 Hrs! - SEEDS OF SPRING Episode 13
Closing Many Dark Chapters, Stepping into the Second Stage of my Life - SEEDS OF SPRING Episode 12
Wayward Wizard Media
Closing Many Dark Chapters, Stepping into the Second Stage of my Life - SEEDS OF SPRING Episode 12
The Storm is Breaking; Overcoming Decades of Doubt; Looking Forward - SEEDS OF SPRING Episode 11
Wayward Wizard Media
The Storm is Breaking; Overcoming Decades of Doubt; Looking Forward - SEEDS OF SPRING Episode 11
Befriending the Inner Child; Being Kind to Myself; Improving Self-Image - SEEDS OF SPRING Episode 10
Wayward Wizard Media
Befriending the Inner Child; Being Kind to Myself; Improving Self-Image - SEEDS OF SPRING Episode 10
LOVE over FEAR; Heeding the Inner Child's Call; Be PRESENT not PERFECT - SEEDS OF SPRING Episode 9
Wayward Wizard Media
LOVE over FEAR; Heeding the Inner Child's Call; Be PRESENT not PERFECT - SEEDS OF SPRING Episode 9
Healing the Inner Child and the Source of ALL My Anxiety *BREAKTHROUGH* - SEEDS OF SPRING Episode 8
Wayward Wizard Media
Healing the Inner Child and the Source of ALL My Anxiety *BREAKTHROUGH* - SEEDS OF SPRING Episode 8
Balanced Mind, Wayward Wizard Team, and Seeking Higher Purpose - SEEDS OF SPRING Episode 7
Wayward Wizard Media
Balanced Mind, Wayward Wizard Team, and Seeking Higher Purpose - SEEDS OF SPRING Episode 7
Never Satisfied; New Apartment Apr 1st; Training for 200 Miles Apr 3 - SEEDS OF SPRING Episode 6
Wayward Wizard Media
Never Satisfied; New Apartment Apr 1st; Training for 200 Miles Apr 3 - SEEDS OF SPRING Episode 6
First Week of New Job, Finding Balance and Focusing on Sleep Discipline - SEEDS OF SPRING Episode 5
Wayward Wizard Media
First Week of New Job, Finding Balance and Focusing on Sleep Discipline - SEEDS OF SPRING Episode 5
Seeds of Spring Episode 4 - Anxious Mornings Start with Anxious Nights? LACK of SLEEP Discipline!!!
Wayward Wizard Media
Seeds of Spring Episode 4 - Anxious Mornings Start with Anxious Nights? LACK of SLEEP Discipline!!!
Seeds of Spring Episode 3 - Emotions are a Physical Response to Sub-Conscious Mental Processes
Wayward Wizard Media
Seeds of Spring Episode 3 - Emotions are a Physical Response to Sub-Conscious Mental Processes
Seeds of Spring Episode 2 - Revisiting the Messages of my Body, and My (Lack of) Stress Response
Wayward Wizard Media
Seeds of Spring Episode 2 - Revisiting the Messages of my Body, and My (Lack of) Stress Response
Seeds of Spring Episode 1 - First Day of Spring and New Job, The Dragon Spreads Its Wings
Wayward Wizard Media
Seeds of Spring Episode 1 - First Day of Spring and New Job, The Dragon Spreads Its Wings
Winds of Winter Episode 7/7 - Uncomfortable Feelings of Success and Overcoming Familiar Anxieties
Wayward Wizard Media
Winds of Winter Episode 7/7 - Uncomfortable Feelings of Success and Overcoming Familiar Anxieties
Winds of Winter Episode 6/7 - Legacy of the Dragon and Asking for the Universe's Help
Wayward Wizard Media
Winds of Winter Episode 6/7 - Legacy of the Dragon and Asking for the Universe's Help
Winds of Winter Episode 5/7 - Last Day at Old Job, Overcoming Familiar Anxieties & FEAR of Success
Wayward Wizard Media
Winds of Winter Episode 5/7 - Last Day at Old Job, Overcoming Familiar Anxieties & FEAR of Success
Winds of Winter Episode 4/7 - Shedding Layers and Embracing the Path Less Traveled
Wayward Wizard Media
Winds of Winter Episode 4/7 - Shedding Layers and Embracing the Path Less Traveled
Winds of Winter Episode 3/7 - Meaning of WAYWARD WIZARD and Taking Life One Step at a Time
Wayward Wizard Media
Winds of Winter Episode 3/7 - Meaning of WAYWARD WIZARD and Taking Life One Step at a Time
Winds of Winter Episode 2/7 - The Body as a Temple
Wayward Wizard Media
Winds of Winter Episode 2/7 - The Body as a Temple
Winds of Winter Episode 1/7 - Wayward Wizard is Born
Wayward Wizard Media
Winds of Winter Episode 1/7 - Wayward Wizard is Born
Day 28: HOW I QUIT CANNABIS - Reviewing the Process of Transcending Harmful Choices for LIFE
Wayward Wizard Media
Day 28: HOW I QUIT CANNABIS - Reviewing the Process of Transcending Harmful Choices for LIFE
Day 27: Quitting Cannabis - Past Experience, CHOICES NOW, Growth in the Future. Small steps of LOVE.
Wayward Wizard Media
Day 27: Quitting Cannabis - Past Experience, CHOICES NOW, Growth in the Future. Small steps of LOVE.
Day 26: Quitting Cannabis - Owning your Darkness and Bringing it Out to the Light
Wayward Wizard Media
Day 26: Quitting Cannabis - Owning your Darkness and Bringing it Out to the Light
Day 25: Quitting Cannabis - Exploring the Psychological NEED for Challenges and Victim Mentality
Wayward Wizard Media
Day 25: Quitting Cannabis - Exploring the Psychological NEED for Challenges and Victim Mentality
Day 24: Quitting Cannabis - Positively Vibrating, Humble Beginnings, and a Future Worth Sharing
Wayward Wizard Media
Day 24: Quitting Cannabis - Positively Vibrating, Humble Beginnings, and a Future Worth Sharing
Day 23: Quitting Cannabis - Identifying with a Wolf Spirit, Challenging Uncomfortable Emotions
Wayward Wizard Media
Day 23: Quitting Cannabis - Identifying with a Wolf Spirit, Challenging Uncomfortable Emotions
Day 22: Quitting Cannabis - Cleaning Out the Closet of my Past & The Foundation for the Future
Wayward Wizard Media
Day 22: Quitting Cannabis - Cleaning Out the Closet of my Past & The Foundation for the Future
Day 21: Quitting Cannabis - 8 Years since the Navy Kicked me Out for HONESTY and WOKE the DRAGON 333
Wayward Wizard Media
Day 21: Quitting Cannabis - 8 Years since the Navy Kicked me Out for HONESTY and WOKE the DRAGON 333
Day 20: Quitting Cannabis - The Fear of Staying the Same Overpowers the Fear of Change = GROWTH
Wayward Wizard Media
Day 20: Quitting Cannabis - The Fear of Staying the Same Overpowers the Fear of Change = GROWTH
Day 19: Quitting THC - Fear of Change, Smelling the Weed and the Illusion of Escape
Wayward Wizard Media
Day 19: Quitting THC - Fear of Change, Smelling the Weed and the Illusion of Escape
Day 18: Quitting THC - Thru the Valley & Over the Mountain, The Power is Mine
Wayward Wizard Media
Day 18: Quitting THC - Thru the Valley & Over the Mountain, The Power is Mine
Day 17: Quitting Cannabis - Breaking the Cycle of FEAR and Choosing to LOVE Yourself
Wayward Wizard Media
Day 17: Quitting Cannabis - Breaking the Cycle of FEAR and Choosing to LOVE Yourself
Day 16: Quitting Cannabis - Humble Up and Realize that Information or Intention is NOT ENOUGH
Wayward Wizard Media
Day 16: Quitting Cannabis - Humble Up and Realize that Information or Intention is NOT ENOUGH
Day 15: Quitting Cannabis - Giving Myself Permission to Move on from Decades of Darkness
Wayward Wizard Media
Day 15: Quitting Cannabis - Giving Myself Permission to Move on from Decades of Darkness
Day 14: Quitting Cannabis - BAD Night Terror, Your LIGHT will Expose the DARKNESS in Others
Wayward Wizard Media
Day 14: Quitting Cannabis - BAD Night Terror, Your LIGHT will Expose the DARKNESS in Others
Day 13: Quitting Cannabis - Discussing How FEAR May Influence Our Decisions and Feed Addictions
Wayward Wizard Media
Day 13: Quitting Cannabis - Discussing How FEAR May Influence Our Decisions and Feed Addictions
Day 12: Quitting Cannabis - Stop Being LOYAL to the Things that Make You a SLAVE
Wayward Wizard Media
Day 12: Quitting Cannabis - Stop Being LOYAL to the Things that Make You a SLAVE
Day 11: Quitting Cannabis/THC - Turning Mountains into Mole Hills
Wayward Wizard Media
Day 11: Quitting Cannabis/THC - Turning Mountains into Mole Hills
Day 10: Quitting Cannabis/THC - Your Burden is Yours to Carry, but You are Not Alone
Wayward Wizard Media
Day 10: Quitting Cannabis/THC - Your Burden is Yours to Carry, but You are Not Alone
Day 9: Quitting Cannabis/THC - Discussing the Addiction of Escaping Internal Dialogue
Wayward Wizard Media
Day 9: Quitting Cannabis/THC - Discussing the Addiction of Escaping Internal Dialogue
Day 8: Quitting Cannabis/THC - An Epiphany of Self after the WORST Anxiety Attack I've ever Had
Wayward Wizard Media
Day 8: Quitting Cannabis/THC - An Epiphany of Self after the WORST Anxiety Attack I've ever Had
Day 7: Quitting Cannabis/THC
Wayward Wizard Media
Day 7: Quitting Cannabis/THC
Day 6: Quitting Cannabis/THC
Wayward Wizard Media
Day 6: Quitting Cannabis/THC
Day 5: Quitting Cannabis/THC
Wayward Wizard Media
Day 5: Quitting Cannabis/THC
Day 4: Quitting Cannabis/THC
Wayward Wizard Media
Day 4: Quitting Cannabis/THC
Day 3: Quitting Cannabis/THC
Wayward Wizard Media
Day 3: Quitting Cannabis/THC
Day 2: Quitting Cannabis/THC
Wayward Wizard Media
Day 2: Quitting Cannabis/THC
Day 1 Quitting THC (Transcending Harmful Choices)
Wayward Wizard Media
Day 1 Quitting THC (Transcending Harmful Choices)
Nicholas Richards, Capes 100, Ghost Pacer
Wayward Wizard Media
Nicholas Richards, Capes 100, Ghost Pacer
Nicholas Richards Capes 100 Finish
Wayward Wizard Media
Nicholas Richards Capes 100 Finish